' M0S-33 '
-->>  I started my ** terrible2z in 1999, the original premise was that  i ran  this big monster of a website and that i really didn't know what the hell what i was doing. The truth was i kinda knew what i was doing, but i didn't really know that i was creating the very beginnings of my very own monster that has become a blessed curse ever since.
The whole endeavor was an important but shoddy first step on my career into the arts and design. But for years the whole online "THING" looked  like Homer Simpson himself  was my web designer.
Some might say he still is.
However some of the original stories from way back then remain and some have become a little bit of tiny cult-classics, Tokka online one-shots.
Like  the t2z - KriB classic :  " The Misfit Mouser"
This was as an old comic story-thing  i did way back in 2000. The art is horrid but it is how used to draw allot of my cartoons nine years ago so.  :/
( Again some would say my style is just as horrid today !! !!
O what a world !! )
The original  has been cleaned up, revamped and revised the way i've always really wanted it to look.
However this new version is much more legible, and understandable.
It's a quicker read too !! !!
It also marks the origins of the infamous Snapper's little pet Mouser, M0S-33 , or MOUSEE.
One of my most moronic creations ever !!
..and stay tuned for the very end for a very BIG & special surprise !! !!
☻ ☺
Tokka, Mouser , Baxter Stockman © 2000,2009 Mirage Studios inc. M0S-33 created by tOkKa , terrible2z.com

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