Vintage Ad #1,426: Learning Starts with a Tandy Computer

STREAMLINING terrible2z.com & the final fate of t2z ::

-->> .. in 2010, Mike of ( ** Mikey's TMNT ..t2z's dear sister site & friend ) had created a new layout and design for this ailing site you see before you. A year ago since, while intentions were the best and meant well .. Tokka himself has been unable to implement even just the new template Mike had created or even make the time required to help send the website in the right direction to keep up with 'web2.0' and ABOVE.

T2Z i've considered an imperative part of not only my online presence and a staple as part of the fandom, but it it's also at the heart of my career - and right now is on resuscitation. It's current form has been an embarrassment for far to long. And again has not had a massive overhaul since 2004.


I realize now that with all my obligations and work for others, i will not be able to integrate ANYTHING alone. And after some belittling events in the Spring of 2011, i've felt terribly defeated and with ZERO purpose, which only hindered plans for updating t2z.

Thankfully,One brave soul and good friend has offered to take the design Mike made and streamline it even further. Once the integration is in place .. t2z shall become a "hub" or portal of sorts to all my major online activity. All archived work will still be available. Some current galleries will be closed and archived, and some new ones will show up. "Spaze Caze" too will be available in hopefully a streamlined format and in an archived and updated form more accessible and understandable for today's audiences be that the standard web viewing or mobile, ect. And maybe i can even get a store front going of some kind. We'll see.

Between cramming for major art event shows and the big one in San Diego Comic Con,at this moment i am pressing to complete many things that i need to do just beyond the typical portfolio preparation.

What happens now will be an important emphasis on : "Getting it all done a 'STEP - AT - A - TIME '.

POSSIBLY a 2 - 10 week timeline and focus at the date i type this on getting this overwhelming task done is what i'm looking at here.

I know it's mostly all up to me, but if by the end of the year i have not succeeded in this change, i shall be closing the site and slowly deleted my online presence, leaving the TMNT fandom, and raising my hands and calling it quits.

But we're not there yet.. and i don't accept defeat easily. I will also be in talks at SDCC ( it's a business trip for me ) on things that will hopefully revitalize my career, and maybe give me a sense of direction.. not just for my career and life.. but for the betterment of t2z. There's no silver bullet or magic wand i expect to be waved.. but i do hope to find at least a tinge of some of the answers i've been seeking. My presence in the industry is starting to crack the ice just a bit and they are remembering me, my work, and take me a little more seriously than in years prior.

That's where things are at, i thank all my fans deeply for their continued optimism & support.

Please and thank you for continuing to bear with me.

~ t

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